02 January 2009

Palestin Dalam Bahaya!!!!

Kereta Kebal Israel Bersedia Memalukan Umat Islam Seluruh Dunia!

Kereta Kebal Israel Bersiap Sedia Untuk Menghancurkan Gaza

Israeli soldiers stands near tanks at a staging area just outside the northern Gaza Strip December 29, 2008. Israeli aircraft destroyed a bastion of Hamas's rule over the Gaza Strip on Monday, the third day of an offensive that has killed more than 300 Palestinians in the deadliest violence in the territory in decades.  REUTERS/Baz Ratner (ISRAEL)

Israeli soldiers stands near tanks at a staging area just outside the northern Gaza Strip December 29, 2008. Israeli aircraft destroyed a bastion of Hamas's rule over the Gaza Strip on Monday, the third day of an offensive that has killed more than 300 Palestinians in the deadliest violence in the territory in decades. REUTERS/Baz Ratner (ISRAEL)

Israeli soldiers hang a national flag on the antenna of their tank at a staging area just outside the northern Gaza Strip December 29, 2008. Israeli aircraft destroyed a bastion of Hamas's rule over the Gaza Strip on Monday, the third day of an offensive that has killed more than 300 Palestinians in the deadliest violence in the territory in decades.  REUTERS/Baz Ratner (ISRAEL)

Israeli soldiers hang a national flag on the antenna of their tank at a staging area just outside the northern Gaza Strip December 29, 2008. Israeli aircraft destroyed a bastion of Hamas's

rule over the Gaza Strip on Monday, the third day of an offensive that has killed more than 300 Palestinians in the deadliest violence in the territory in decades. REUTERS/Baz Ratner (ISRAEL)

Sumber http://www.purnama2u.com/v5/index.php/berita/luar-negeri/83-luar-negeri/1653-kereta-kebal-israel-bersiap-sedia-untuk-menghancurkan-gaza

Kereta kebal Israel memenuhi Tebing Gaza

GAZA CITY: Kereta kebal tentera Israel dilapor memenuhi sempadan Gaza dengan pesawat pejuang berlegar-legar di kawasan sasaran Hamas yang padat penduduk, hari ini.

Berpuluh kereta kebal dan kereta perisai memenuhi kawasan strategik berhampiran sempadan selepas Israel memberi amaran akan melancarkan serangan darat besar-besaran selepas ini.

Hamas pula memberitahu akan bertindak balas untuk melancarkan serangan bom dan tembakan roket ke arah Israel berdekatan sebuah pelabuhan kedua terbesarnya iaitu Ashdod


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